CSH Script

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The following program asks you for color information about a pair of gerbils, then predicts the colors of the offspring. This is a csh script. It runs on Unix. You don't have to compile it or anything; just get it onto your system somehow and modify the permissions to make it executable. It will not run on Windows or DOS, but would probably work on Linux. This program takes a simplified approach to gerbil color genetics, only taking into consideration 4 of the known color loci:

A - Agouti/black
P - Color muting (eye and coat color)
Ch - Albino locus, incomplete albino mutation
W - White-spotting.

This is not the "official" designation for the gene locus; it is probably supposed to be Sp, but I find that hard to read. This is the only known color mutation that is genetically dominant. The E and G genes are not considered in this program. That means that you will get misleading answers for gerbils that are Nutmeg, Honey, Argente Nutmeg, Grey Agouti, Slate, and variants of those colors. This program may be freely distributed and used by anybody, but not sold. If anyone enhances or extends the program, I would appreciate it if they would send me a copy of the enhanced version. If you make any changes, please add a dated comment at the top describing the change, and update the version string. Thanks.

#! /bin/csh -f
### gerb
### Sharon Kahn     Copyright  March, 1997
set NUMVAR = $#argv     ### number of variables
set COMMAND = "gerb"
set VER = "Ver1.3 Mar 1997"

switch ($1)	### switch on first variable
case h:		### help
case -h:
	echo ""
	echo "$COMMAND $VER"
	echo "------------------------------"
  	echo "This program asks you for color information about a pair"
  	echo "of gerbils, then predicts the colors of the offspring."
	echo ""
    exit 1
  echo ""
  echo "$COMMAND $VER"
  echo "------------------------------"
  echo "This program asks you for color information about a pair"
  echo "of gerbils, then predicts the colors of the offspring."
  echo "   d stands for dominant, r stands for recessive"
  echo "   if you don't answer or answer with an illegal value, "
  echo "   the non-mutated 'wild color' is taken as the default"
  echo ""
  echo "Type q at any time to quit program"
  echo ""

###  set up default values
set FBASE = "A-";   set MBASE = "A-"		## Agouti
set FPASTEL = "P-"; set MPASTEL = "P-"		## Dark-Eyed
set FTICK   = "E-"; set MTICK = "E-"		## Ticking normal
set FWHITE  = "ww"; set MWHITE = "ww"		## No white-factoring
set FALBINO = "C-"; set MALBINO = "C-"		## Not albino

######   QUERY COLOR OF FEMALE  ####

#======== prompt  (Base color) ==========#
  echo -n "FEMALE: base color [d=Agouti, Cinnamon, or Honey; r=Black or Silver; w=white]: "
	set INPUT = $<
 	if ($INPUT == "q") goto cleanup
	if ($INPUT == "r") set FBASE = "aa"
	if ($INPUT == "w") then
		set FBASE = "--"; set FPASTEL = "--";
		set FWHITE = "--"; set FTICK = "--"
		set FALBINO = "chch"
                goto querymale

#======== prompt  (Pastel? ) ==========# 
        echo -n "FEMALE: eye color [d=Black, r=Red or Pink]: "
        set INPUT = $<  
        if ($INPUT == "q") goto cleanup
        if ($INPUT == "r") then
   	   if ($FALBINO == "chch") then
              set FBASE = "--"; set FPASTEL = "--"; set FWHITE = "--" 
	      goto querymale
		set FPASTEL = "pp"

#======== prompt  (White marking) ==========#
        echo -n "FEMALE:  white markings on head or neck?[d=yes, r=no]"
        set INPUT = $<
        if ($INPUT == "q") goto cleanup
        if ($INPUT == "d") set FWHITE = "Ww"

######   QUERY COLOR OF MALE  ####

echo ""
#======== prompt  (Base color) ==========#
  echo -n "MALE: base color [d=Agouti, Cinnamon, or Honey; r=Black or Silver; w=white]: "
	set INPUT = $<
 	if ($INPUT == "q") goto cleanup
	if ($INPUT == "r") set MBASE = "aa"
	if ($INPUT == "w") then
		set MBASE = "--"; set MPASTEL = "--";
		set MWHITE = "--"; set MTICK = "--"
		set MALBINO = "chch"
		goto report

#======== prompt  (Pastel? ) ==========# 
        echo -n "MALE: eye color [d=Black, r=Red or Pink]: "
        set INPUT = $<  
        if ($INPUT == "q") goto cleanup
        if ($INPUT == "r") then
   	   if ($MALBINO == "chch") then
              set MBASE = "--"; set MPASTEL = "--"; set MWHITE = "--" 
	      goto report
		set MPASTEL = "pp"

#======== prompt  (White marking) ==========#
        echo -n "MALE:  White markings on head or neck?[d=yes, r=no]"
        set INPUT = $<
        if ($INPUT == "q") goto cleanup
        if ($INPUT == "d") set MWHITE = "Ww"


################  report colors
	echo ""
		echo "Female is probably: 	$FEMALE"
		echo "Male is probably:  	$MALE"

  echo ""
  echo "Expected offspring"
  echo "------------------"

#####  Albino?
   if (($MALBINO == "chch") && ($FALBINO == "chch"))  then
          echo "White with ruby or pink eyes"
          goto cleanup
   if (($MALBINO == "chch") || ($FALBINO == "chch"))  then
          echo "Practically any color is possible."
	  goto cleanup

####  Black or Silver
   if (($MBASE == "aa") && ($FBASE == "aa")) then
      if (($MPASTEL == "P-") || ($FPASTEL == "P-")) then 
	echo  "Black, and possibly Silver"
	echo  "Silver "
      goto whitespot
   ### at least one parent is Agouti variant
      if (($MPASTEL == "P-") || ($FPASTEL == "P-")) then 
        echo  "Agouti, and possibly Cinnamon" 
        echo  "Black & Silver are also possible, depending on recessives"
        echo "Cinnamon"
        echo "Silver is also possible, depending on recessives" 
####  White-marked?
  if (($MWHITE == "Ww") || ($FWHITE == "Ww")) then
     echo "Some with white markings"

   echo "You might even see some albino-like colors"

################  clean up and exit program
echo ""
echo "************ bye now!  ***************"

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This page has been constructed by Julian Barker.

Last updated 03 September 2003